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List of Remedies

Disease Remedy Picture
Apple Scab Remove and destroy infected leaves and fruits. Prune the tree to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. Apply a fungicide spray such as copper or sulfur before the disease appears and repeat as needed. Apple Scab
Apple Black Rot Cut off and burn any infected branches or twigs. Remove any mummified fruits from the tree or the ground. Spray the tree with a fungicide such as captan or myclobutanil before bloom and after petal fall. Apple Black Rot
Cedar Apple Rust Remove any galls from nearby juniper or cedar trees and dispose of them. Spray the apple tree with a fungicide such as mancozeb or propiconazole when the galls are releasing spores in spring. Cedar Apple Rust
Apple Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy apple trees. However, you can prevent diseases by keeping the tree well-watered, fertilized, and pruned. You can also apply a dormant oil spray in late winter to kill any overwintering pests or fungi. Apple Healthy
Blueberry Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy blueberry plants. However, you can prevent diseases by planting resistant varieties, mulching the soil, and avoiding overhead irrigation. You can also monitor the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly. Blueberry Healthy
Cherry Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy cherry trees. However, you can prevent diseases by choosing a well-drained site, pruning the tree regularly, and removing any fallen leaves or fruits. You can also spray the tree with a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or captan before and after bloom. Cherry Healthy
Cherry Powdery Mildew Remove and destroy any infected leaves or shoots. Prune the tree to improve air circulation and sunlight exposure. Spray the tree with a fungicide such as sulfur or potassium bicarbonate as soon as you notice the disease and repeat as needed. Cherry Powdery Mildew
Corn Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy corn plants. However, you can prevent diseases by rotating crops, planting resistant varieties, and avoiding planting corn near other grasses. You can also scout the plants for any symptoms of diseases and treat them accordingly. Corn Healthy
Corn Cercospora Leaf Spot Remove and destroy any infected leaves or stalks. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Apply a fungicide such as azoxystrobin or pyraclostrobin at the first sign of the disease and repeat as needed. Corn Cercospora Leaf Spot
Corn Common Rust Remove and destroy any infected leaves or stalks. Plant resistant varieties or hybrids. Apply a fungicide such as tebuconazole or propiconazole when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Corn Common Rust
Corn Northern Leaf Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or stalks. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Plant resistant varieties or hybrids. Apply a fungicide such as propiconazole or pyraclostrobin when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Corn Northern Leaf Blight
Grape Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy grape vines. However, you can prevent diseases by choosing a sunny and well-ventilated site, pruning the vines properly, and removing any diseased or dead wood. You can also spray the vines with a fungicide such as copper or sulfur before bud break and after harvest. Grape Healthy
Grape Black Rot Remove and destroy any infected leaves, fruits, or canes. Prune the vines to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. Spray the vines with a fungicide such as mancozeb or myclobutanil before bloom and after fruit set. Grape Black Rot
Grape Esca (Black Measles) Cut off and burn any infected canes or trunks. Avoid wounding the vines during pruning or harvesting. Apply a wound sealant such as asphalt emulsion or latex paint to any cuts or injuries. Spray the vines with a fungicide such as fosetyl-al or phosphorous acid before bud break and after harvest. Grape Esca
Grape Leaf Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or canes. Prune the vines to improve air circulation and sunlight exposure. Spray the vines with a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or captan before bloom and after fruit set. Grape Leaf Blight
Peach Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy peach trees. However, you can prevent diseases by choosing a well-drained site, pruning the tree regularly, and removing any fallen leaves or fruits. You can also spray the tree with a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or captan before and after bloom. Peach Healthy
Peach Bacterial Spot Remove and destroy any infected leaves, fruits, or twigs. Prune the tree to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. Spray the tree with a copper-based bactericide before bud break and after petal fall. Peach Bacterial Spot
Pepper Bell Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy pepper plants. However, you can prevent diseases by rotating crops, mulching the soil, and avoiding overhead irrigation. You can also monitor the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly. Pepper Bell Healthy
Pepper Bell Bacterial Spot Remove and destroy any infected leaves, fruits, or stems. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as corn or beans. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free seeds. Spray the plants with a copper-based bactericide as soon as you notice the disease and repeat as needed. Pepper Bell Bacterial Spot
Potato Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy potato plants. However, you can prevent diseases by rotating crops, planting certified disease-free tubers, and hilling the soil around the plants. You can also inspect the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them accordingly. Potato Healthy
Potato Early Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or tubers. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free tubers. Apply a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or mancozeb when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Potato Early Blight
Potato Late Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or tubers. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free tubers. Apply a fungicide such as copper or mefenoxam when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Potato Late Blight
Strawberry Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy strawberry plants. However, you can prevent diseases by choosing a well-drained site, mulching the soil, and removing any old or diseased plants. You can also check the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly. Strawberry Healthy
Strawberry Leaf Scorch Remove and destroy any infected leaves or runners. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free plants. Apply a fungicide such as captan or thiophanate-methyl when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Strawberry Leaf Scorch
Tomato Healthy No treatment is needed for healthy tomato plants. However, you can prevent diseases by rotating crops, staking or caging the plants, and removing any diseased or dead foliage. You can also watch the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them accordingly. Tomato Healthy
Tomato Bacterial Spot Remove and destroy any infected leaves, fruits, or stems. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as corn or beans. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free seeds. Spray the plants with a copper-based bactericide as soon as you notice the disease and repeat as needed. Tomato Bacterial Spot
Tomato Early Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or fruits. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free seeds. Apply a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or mancozeb when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Tomato Early Blight
Tomato Late Blight Remove and destroy any infected leaves or fruits. Rotate crops with non-host plants such as legumes or brassicas. Plant resistant varieties or use certified disease-free seeds. Apply a fungicide such as copper or mefenoxam when the disease is severe and the weather is favorable for infection. Tomato Late Blight
Tomato Leaf Mold Remove and destroy any infected leaves or fruits. Prune the plants to improve air circulation and sunlight exposure. Spray the plants with a fungicide such as chlorothalonil or mancozeb as soon as you notice the disease and repeat as needed. Tomato Leaf Mold